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Writer's pictureJessica

Yellow Arrows Lesson 5

Updated: Feb 2, 2023

Thank you for coming to class today. It was so much fun to have you there!

If you need help finding the C's on the staff and on the keyboard, there is help on pg. 56 in the reference section of the homework booklet.

Make sure to practice the Alphabet Pieces Game everyday!

Celebrate Connection

A few ideas to bring playfulness to practice time!

  • Blink with each note/chord you play in the bass clef (LH).

  • Close your eyes, and run your finger over your music then stop and open your eyes. Start from wherever your finger landed and play through to the end.

  • Knock on the wood/plastic of your keyboard when you come to Mr. Rests.

Bass C and Treble C

The 3 C’s are in a family; they have different first names and the same last name! We’ve known Middle C (Who has his own line...middle C) since last semester. This week we introduced Bass C (The 2nd C in the Bass) AND Treble C: (Space treble C) These anchor notes on the staff will help orient us as we expand our keyboard skills.

C Major Scale

Now that we know where Treble C is on the keyboard we can play the C Major Scale going DOWN. The technique is exactly like the Left Hand, though playing it with the Right! Practice this SLOWLY to ensure correct fingerings and bubble hand position. 1) Begin with RH finger number 5 on Treble C. (This is the C right above middle C.) 2) Play Do, Ti, La, Sol, Fa using fingers 5-4-3-2-1 with a rounded bubble hand. 3) To play Mi, POP finger number 3 over thumb. 4) Reset the BUBBLE and proceed to play Mi-Re-Do with finger numbers 3-2-1.

I am Robin Hood

Shoo-oot the Ar-row, Waa-atch it fly---, teaches us how to feel and play the dotted quarter eighth note pattern right on target. To feel this rhythm more accurately dance with the recording, stomp out the rhythm with hands and feet, or even sit them on your lap and bounce your knees up and down to the rhythm while chanting the song together. Mix up practice with this song by playing the bass clef 5th an octave lower to really sound like a deep drum!

Hickory Dickory Dock

This song introduces parallel motion by following a steady beat through a metronome (a tick-tock is what we call it in class).

Mr. Rest

Could you believe all the musical symbols Old MacDonald had on his musical farm? A rest, though played with silence, is a very important aspect of music. Mozart said “The music is not in the notes but in the silence between.” Rests are powerful!

Playing the Alphabet Pieces game every day will help us solidify keyboard geography by learning the names of ALL of the white keys. Enjoy playing this game with its theme and variations!

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